
Data source: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

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AQUASTAT is the FAO global information system on water resources and agricultural water management.

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


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Variables in this dataset:

Renewable internal freshwater resources (bln m3)
QoG Code: as_rifr

Renewable water resources (internal and external) include average annual flow of rivers and recharge of aquifers generated from endogenous precipitation and those water resources that are not generated in the country, such as inflows from upstream countries (groundwater and surface water), and part of the water of border lakes and/or rivers. Measured in billion cubic meters (bln m3).

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Water stress: freshwater withdrawal, proportion of available freshwater
QoG Code: as_ws

The level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources is the ratio between total freshwater withdrawn by all major sectors and total renewable freshwater resources, after taking into account environmental flow requirements. Main sectors include agriculture, forestry and fishing, manufacturing, electricity industry, and services. This indicator is also known as water withdrawal intensity.

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